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The Therapy Room
25 Oxford Road

Tel: 01223 315 400

Directions: The clinic is based in a former converted house, on a residential street.

From Huntingdon Road, take a turn onto Oxford Road and you will find no.25 on the left hand side. It is a short distance down the street, with a small white sign in front of a house.

From Histon Road you may see a petrol station, Aldi and Iceland, and on the other corner, is Co-op. With the Co-op on the corner, turn onto Windsor Road. Take the first / only left turn onto Oxford Road and continue down most of the length of the street.  No. 25 is on the right-hand side, with a small white sign in front of a house.

Parking: There are 4 free car parking spaces in front of the clinic.
Please enquire about alternatives, should these be full.

Bicycles: You may lock up at the rear of the building.